SPRING 2018 READING LIST by Fashion in Flight fashion beauty lifestyle blog by ashleigh jean lopes colorado springs blogger denver blog brunette style outfit of the day ootd lookbook look of the day stylist


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Happy Thursday, ladies! So in similar fashion to Tuesday’s post, I’m testing out something new on the blog here today. It’s a video! Actually, I’ve been working on making videos for a few weeks now as one of my 2018 resolutions. But because they exist on a completely different platform, they’re easily missed by blog readers. SO, I’m just going to start bringing those videos over onto the blog in the form of a post and kind of elaborating on them, what’s inside, within the post in case you want to be able to reference it quickly. This is perfect for videos like my spring 2018 reading list, which includes a ton of books and trying to navigate to them in video can be challenging. So I included here a few brief notes about each book!

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This book is one that’s been sitting on my shelf for awhile now. It’s one of the longest on my reading list, but I wanted to finally get to it. I started reading it a few days ago and I’m already half way through it – it’s been really great so far! If you like escaping into another world through reading fantasy or science fiction, I think you’ll enjoy this!


I firmly believe in always working to perfect your craft. For me, that craft is often writing. I’m currently reading another book on writing (see the last set of books in this post), but I’ve decided I want to keep adding one to my reading list every season. That way I’m constantly working and learning to improve what I do. I haven’t started it yet, but it’s more encompassing than just novels so if you’re in any writing field, you might consider this!

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This is another book that’s been on my shelf for quite awhile. It’s a contemporary fiction novel about a man who falls in love with a voice on the radio. It almost gives me “Her” vibes, not that I’ve seen the movie because that would require sitting still for far too long. But I’m excited to get into this book and really see what happens. I think the author could take the story a lot of different ways.


Okay, so another book on my shelf for ages. This book seems incredibly political and the cover doesn’t exactly draw me in. But I won it in a Goodreads Giveaway, and I want to give it a shot. I think it’s important for everyone to see, read, and learn about differing political views and thoughts in order to educate themselves and be the best citizens possible. I can’t say now wether I will agree or disagree with what’s inside this book, but I intend to breach the cover this season and expose myself to some – potentially – differing views.

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If you haven’t heard of this book you might live under a rock. Not even a literary rock because a lot of “non-readers” are super into this guy. Hell, I may be living under a rock for not reading it yet. But that problem will soon be solved. Have you read it?


This book is the first of two “breather” books I have on my spring 2018 reading list. It’s short, it’s not necessarily the most poignant or stimulating. But it’ll make for a quick, engaged read. I like to keep books like that as “breathers” between books that are more intense or to stimulate me into reading again when I fall into a bit of a rut.

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This is my second “breather” book on my list. I remember reading it ages and ages ago, but I have no Goodreads review for it. So it’s on my list again to give me a bit of a break or to break out of a rut. Tweenie books like this are especially helpful for rut-breaking because they’re just so cute and sweet. It’s like a Hallmark movie that gets you into the Christmas spirit in November  – only these books get you into the reading spirit.


I met Mark Coopersmith an an event at my college a few years ago. I was lucky enough to join a few other students in a small sort-of-mentor session where we were able to ask lots of questions and learn a little about, well, whatever we asked about. I thought he seemed like a pretty interesting guy, so I picked up the book and it officially made it onto my spring 2018 reading list.

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I’m a huge aviation fan, clearly. So this book made it onto my list for obvious reasons. It’s probably one of the most popular books about the Wright Brothers and I’ve seen it everywhere, but haven’t read it yet. So I’m excited to dig in a learn a little more about some of the industries pioneers.


This is the other book I’m currently reading. It was actually a part of my winter reading list, but I didn’t get to it so I’m reading it now. I want to take my time with it because each chapter offers writing prompts. It does seem very novel focused so far, but I’ll continue to dig into it and see how it decides to inspire me!

What’s on your spring 2018 reading list?

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