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Remember when it was kind of a big deal to be placed into a personality category: Are you Type A or Type B? Without getting into too much details, a dichotomy like that is not great for accurately describing human behavior and personality. However, it is a useful framework, a category that helps people understand others in the most basic sense. With that being said, I’m definitely a Type A workaholic. And I know I’m not the only one out there, so if you are, too, keep reading. Not saying these tips will change your life, or even be something you haven’t heard before, but it’s some real talk and it’s not always about finding good tips, but just knowing you’re not the only one out there.

WHEN IN DOUBT, WORK IT OUT. Please, Lord, give me time to exercise. My workout routine is vital for my sanity. I’ve neglected it over the last quarter because I’ve just been so damn busy, but man I miss it. Typically, the more stressed and busy I am, the longer time I spend at the gym. Up to about three hours working out. There’s nothing that can literally exhaust anxiety like 150bpm for an hour+ can. I can throw all the science at you, that you’ve so totally seen before, but there’s no convincing until you try it. Grab a magazine, and hit the elliptical. Crank up the resistance and elevate it to your preferred muscle group and go. Choose resistance over elevation because it slows you down, so you bounce less and can read your magazine, plus it will help keep your heart rate high without feeling like you need to be sprinting in place.

CREATE A COMFORTABLE WORKSPACE. Seriously, sometimes you literally have to build it. I’ve set up several forts in my living room over the past couple months to get stuff done. It’s also worth taking the time to clean your room before you start working. And always, always, always make your bed! I promise – and you can hold me to it – if you walk into your room and see your bed made, you will feel better. It will feel better crawling into it at night, too. And it’s super easy to do – I’ve been making my bed while I was still in bed every morning for as long as I’ve been making my own bed. That’s, like, over a decade. It’s super easy, and this PureWow article and video will totally teach you!

THROW THAT SH** OUT. I’m not pregnant, but apparently I’m nesting. I’m going through boxes, throwing stuff away, reorganizing like crazy. I’ve reorganized my closet four times in the last six months. At least. Maybe more. And that says nothing about the number of times I’ve reorganized the rest of my room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the craft drawer, my bedroom back home, and on and on and on and on. But when you’re feeling stressed out as a type-A, a lot of times it’s because you’re feeling a lack of control and that can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of places in your life where you can have control and simulate that overall feeling to sooth yourself – so next time you feel that stress, trying reorganizing something small like a desk drawer or a stack of papers. Or something big, like a closet or your kitchen. Also, it contributes to your comfortable workspace!

THROW THE SH**TY PEOPLE OUT. Maybe this one should have come first. Really, it’s better to have a house full of things you don’t need than a life full of people who don’t need you. There’s not a whole lot I can say for this one, because relationships are really too personal to get advice from someone who doesn’t know the situation. But if there’s someone in your life who doesn’t make you feel good inside when you’re around them, or who belittles you, berates you, or even other people, just start to spend less time with those people. With those personalities, you can’t exactly break up with your them, because they’ll come after you quite meanly. But you can just start saying “No” maybe once a week to their hang out requests, then gradually more – until they stop calling you. This won’t work in every case, especially really long friendships or romantic relationships, but it’s a step in the right direction. And replace those poopy people with happy people. Trust me, once you start exuding that confident happiness, they’ll find you.

ACCEPT FAILURE AND BROKENNESS. This one is so hard for me. Gosh, it just feels impossible. I broke a wine glass doing dishes awhile ago and almost lost it. I’m a perfectionist and I don’t like mistakes or damage, it’s compulsive. But I’m working on it. I can’t emphasize enough the need to try. Now, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, we all know that. So it’s not just a matter of saying, “Well, I tried and it didn’t work so I’m giving up.” Even though that’s what we may want to do. It means trying harder. Sometimes you need to sit down and tell yourself over and over not to freak out and that everything is just fine. And then it is. Just being self-aware of your stressors makes a huge difference. It’s that control thing, if you can identify what it is that’s bothering you, you’re half way toward finding a solution.

Whew, alright. Try this stuff, let me know if it works for you. Make a plan to try one thing at a time, then combine them when you’re ready. Meanwhile, I’ve got two papers, totaling 14 pages, to write by Friday, so. I’ll be using these methods a bunch, too!

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Linked up with: Katherine’s Corner

Photo: Death to Stock

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Olivia April 2, 2016 - 7:29 pm

Thank you for joining us at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.

Olivia, co-hostess
Reinvented Collection

Jennifer Connolly April 2, 2016 - 7:29 pm

Sometimes just taking a full, deep breath helps me chill.
Thanks for sharing with us on Thursday Favorite Things!

Ashleigh Jean April 2, 2016 - 7:34 pm

A deep breath is a real lifesaver. Sometimes it's not quite enough, but it's always a step in the right direction. Thanks, Jennifer 🙂

Ashleigh Jean April 2, 2016 - 7:34 pm

Thanks Olivia! 🙂

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