bcbgeneration golden fearless bracelet fashion in flight original image

The bracelet is pretty special to me. It’s a BCBGeneration bracelet that was a gift from my stepmom.  It reads “FEARLESS” big rose gold letters. It’s not something I would pick up for myself, but in my hands it feels so perfect.


I don’t know if fearless is the best way to describe myself. I have a lot of fears.  Every morning I wake up faced with countless fears and worries: am I going to be confronted with a situation I might not be able to handle? Will my heart break one more time? Will I be able to not let my insecurities keep me from being all I can be? Will I be happy, now and forever? Will I have to fly in a commercial airline? (Okay, the last one isn’t super serious. But I am terrified of commercial planes! What can I say, I’m used to being in the cockpit!) Life is full of questions and uncertainties, and that can be very frightening.

But I do face my fears pretty fearlessly, and I love it. I love challenging myself and tackling my fears, as well as new projects, goals, and dreams. In the most simple example, I don’t let my fear of commercial airlines keep me grounded. Every year I take a week-long trip somewhere, usually I can only get there by commercial jet. I cry going through security (not exaggerating, unfortunately) and chew up my lip during the entire flight, but I get through it and I am always am glad I did.

The uncertainties of life, big and small, have become a mountain for me to conquer. Sometimes I can face one at a time, and sometimes I have to face a whole rock slide, but the point is to keep climbing. My posts over the last week have been a bit heavy, but when faced with tribulation I find that fighting it openly and in words is more healing than pretending it doesn’t exist. So this is me fighting, this is me not giving up.

Now, my question for you, after all of this: Are you tackling your mountain of fears and uncertainties?

bcbgeneration golden fearless bracelet fashion in flight original image

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Fashion Musings Diary March 29, 2014 - 6:24 pm

Fearless and very inspiring, and very 90's too! I love this bracelet!

Ashleigh Jean March 29, 2014 - 6:25 pm

Thank you! 🙂

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