Missing two weeks of class has set me behind and now it’s finals week. I wish I could spend 100% of my time here, but unfortunately life has other plans. I’ll be back next Monday or Wednesday with a post about cleaning your make up and your brushes!  I’ve done a lot of research and complied some great tips that I can’t wait to share properly! (Check out after the jump for a few funny studying-related images to give you a visual of my life this week. ;P)

I’ll still be somewhat alive on the web, so shoot me an email if you have any questions!


If you need encouragement from hot celebrities to study, like I clearly do, check out this article or this one. You’re welcome. 😉

All images after the jump came from WeHeartIt & Pinterest, some have in image citations, but weren’t linked to those sites.
image signature ashleigh jean blog fashion in flight

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Beth Adams Mishoe March 21, 2014 - 12:28 am

i hope the studying went well and you are getting a lot of work done. i am the same way tho when i am on the computer i get so sidetracked.


Ashleigh Jean March 21, 2014 - 12:28 am

Haha the computer is awful for productivity! Even without blogging I was so distracted but I got it done 🙂

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